#GORGOGIrl Life: Kristin Fore


We love to feature our loyal #GORGOgirls each month.  This month, meet Kristin Fore.  

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GORGO: Tell us about your fitness life, Kristin! 

I was never an athlete.  I didn’t play any sports and wasn’t very competitive.  During my last semester of college, I decided to “get in shape” before I getting married that summer.  I figured a few months in advance would do the trick. I spent some time on a treadmill, pulled a few levers on some machines, and did so many crunches I lost count. I was really “getting in shape” 😉 After getting married, we joined a gym. I went on a regular basis, took classes and used some of the machines. In 2006, I got a little more serious and had a personal trainer lay out a program for me.  I stuck with that same program for several years.

I didn’t understand the importance of changing things up. I was just checking a workout off my list of things to do. I believed I needed to exercise to compensate for eating whatever I wanted.  It wasn’t until about 5 years ago that I connected weight training and nutrition. Now, I see the benefit of that balance. I love the feeling of a good workout. It helps my mood and energy level tremendously.

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I haven’t had a gym membership in 9 years.  I workout at home in my basement, and slowly continue to add more equipment to my gym.  My dad has always been very dedicated to working out consistently. I believe I get my independence and self-discipline from him.  I don’t need anyone to hold me accountable in putting in the work.

I love a challenge and to work towards a short-term goal. Several years ago, I joined my sister in completing the Susan G Komen 3-Day for the Cure.  We walked 60 miles in 3 days. It was an incredible event to witness.

A few years ago, I let my bravery show by deciding to rappel off a 410-foot building in my hometown. For someone who doesn’t love heights, this was a big deal. It was breathtaking and I felt so proud of myself.     

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GORGO: Tell us about your non-fitness life.

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My husband Andrew and I are high school sweethearts.  We will be married 18 years this summer. We are committed to God’s will for our lives and our family.  

I’ve battled issues with uterine fibroids.  Our 8 year old son, Kingston, is our miracle child. I am so thankful that God (and fabulous doctors) gave us the gift of becoming parents.  I face a hysterectomy soon. My hormones have been all over the place, causing some mental battles that lead to physical disappointment, but I am determined to become stronger than ever physically, mentally, and spiritually.   

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I want to be able to show my son what it looks like to be a strong woman.

I want to continue to be healthy enough to keep up with him.

And I love that he’s noticing!
For Mother’s Day this year, he drew a picture of me on a treadmill and stated that I was good at lifting weights.


GORGO: What do you love about GORGO?  

I love that GORGO is a magazine about real woman.  I love that you’ll never see any ridiculous fad diets or fake promises. I love that GORGO is committed to lifestyle changes and embracing your body type.  

GORGO encourages the best YOU and not comparisons.


GORGO: Any fun facts about yourself? 

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My father owns a pest control company and I’ve run the office for him for over 18 years.  People who don’t know me find it strange that I’m not afraid of many insects and spiders. Growing up in the home of an entomologist, you can’t be afraid of bugs when they are “pets” in your home.

GORGO: Anything else you want to say?

I just read a book called “Present Over Perfect.”  It’s been a great reminder to me to enjoy the moment and be who I’ve been created to be.  The author mentions how we can twist ourselves up in knots trying desperately to be something else, someone else, some endless list of qualities and capabilities that we think will make us loved or safe or happy.  

But we need to just do our thing.

Do the thing we love to do, that we have been created to do.

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GORGO: What makes you want to attend Camp GORGO every year?

I’m looking forward to celebrating my 40th birthday this year at camp. This will be my 5th camp; I’ve attended every year.  I was lucky enough to have a friend tell me about the first year. I loved the intimacy of the first year with a small group, but I love seeing how the camp has grown.  I’ve made some great friends. There is a group of 5 of us who text almost daily. I love that kind of encouragement and accountability.  I love seeing every age, size, background, etc. at camp. Everyone is truly welcome. From the outside you would assume when you get that many women together it could get ugly with gossip or judgement... but it's amazing to be in an environment that is so uplifting.  

Each woman wants to see the other become the very best version of themselves.