#GORGOgirl: Angie Ecton

We love featuring our everyday GORGOgirls that are inspiring us to crush life and a balanced approach to fitness.

Meet Angie Ecton.


Tell us about yourself!

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I have been married to the love of my life, Kent, for almost 31 years. We have three beautiful children and two granddaughters.  Interestingly enough, our kids are 34, 29, and 12 and our grandchildren are 14 and almost 3. I live in Brady, Texas with my husband, youngest son, and our Boston Terror… I mean, Terrier, Rev. (hahaha)

I am a High School Mathematics Teacher. I didn’t earn my mathematics degree until I was in my late 30s-early 40s. Currently, I am in graduate school and will graduate in May with a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction. I will be 54 years old on February 12; “Queen for a week, enjoying birthday afterglow in the following days,” as my mother used to say.

Tell us about your fitness life.


Let me just say that sometimes my fitness life is more like a circus. I am married to a coach (#coachwifelife), have a 6th grader at home (#middleschoolboymom), am very close to my older children and grandchildren (#thefiftiesareawesome), teach full-time (#teacherlife), and am a graduate student (#nevergiveup). Fitness is my “me time,” the thing I do for myself.  I LOVE yoga and hope to increase my practice and become a certified instructor. I also love group classes and I have finally found a gym in my new hometown (we moved to Brady in June 2019). In addition to all this, I will again be training for the Susan G. Komen 3 Day this year. I took last year off and missed it so much!

I have recently begun working out in the mornings. I attend two group classes a week, try to practice yoga at 2-3 times a week and fill in the rest when I can make time.

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What are your hobbies?

My favorite things are dates with my husband, family time, hiking, movies, and reading.

Any goals you’re working toward or have in mind for the future?

I want to get that girl back that had a fire in her before my husband and I started chasing coaching in 2016. Moving around a lot has made me yearn to find a home base to stay for a while. Settling in Brady has given me a new vision that starts with finishing graduate school and challenging myself to be physically active and pursue a healthy life for myself and my family.

Any struggles?

When my mother got sick (congestive heart failure) and passed away 14 months later, in October 2015, I saw what could happen if I didn’t start paying attention and taking care of my health. Since then, I have struggled to find a balance between family, work, and taking care of me as we moved from school to school chasing coaching. Even at 53 years old, I am still learning that it is okay and, in fact, better for everyone involved if I pay attention to what both my body and mind need. As the woman of the house, I know that I can’t take care of anyone else if I don’t take care of me first. And yet, I still find at times that I am doing just that. Don’t get me wrong, I have done ever so much better these last few years and I love my family. I’m a work in progress and probably always will be.

Favorite quote that inspires you right now in your life?

“Underestimate me. That’ll be fun.”
My life is, honestly, very chaotic. Yet, I have managed to stay married for over 30 years, raise three amazing children, and will have earned two degrees after the age of 40 by May of this year. My question now is, what’s next? I’m sure someone will challenge me soon…

Do you have any message you feel called to share about where you are at your life right now to encourage other GORGO GIRLS?

If I could share one message, I would say this, don’t quit. Don’t ever quit. When you feel alone, call a friend (queen).  When you struggle, get back up. When you fail, try again. Your only competition is the face you see in the mirror. Get up and show up. Stoke that fire. Be present. Life is real and hard and oh, so worth it!

What do you love most about the GORGO community?

I love all of the QUEENS in my life! Some of them were already there before camp and some of them are new sisters that I met at camp. The best thing is that, no matter what I’ve gone through, there is a woman out there who has had that same experience. They are willing to share and support me and each other if I just learn to ask for help.  I am accepted as I am and encouraged to be myself, flaws and all.

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CAMP GORGO: Thoughts about your experience? 

Camp GORGO was one of the most life-changing and exhilarating experiences I have ever had. I cannot wait to go again!  I think my favorite part was just connecting with other strong women. It is an indescribable experience. I wanted to attend because I saw the changes it rendered in my friend, Morgan Green’s life. She invited me and, although I was anxious, I went and I don’t regret it one bit! 

Learning that my vulnerability and flaws are strengths, not weaknesses, has empowered me with the courage to continue my journey in search of health and peace.