Our New Year’s Call to Action:

Happy New Year, GORGO Girls!

a call to action...


Beautiful on a ballerina's toes.

Admired on a farmer's hands.

Respected on a GORGO girl's palm.

A symbol of consistent commitment to work.

No one ever got a callus from occasional friction.  

Calluses speak for themselves.  They tell a more interesting story than the scale.  They show you put in effort beyond what average, soft, delicate palms could handle.  

They show you pushed your limits not just once, but so many times your body is adapting.  It's like the little beast within is showing a little bit of herself.  

Calluses are a commonality amongst fellow hard workers.

Earned, respected....

You toughened up when the going got tough.  Literally.

They show you aren't just talking about it, you are doing it.

Our call to action to you for the New Year is to not just tell us what you resolve to do, but show us that you are doing it.  This year, we don’t care as much about the trophy, the finish line, or the great booty pic...  

Tag your effort.  Tag your calluses.  #gorgogirl

By Val Solomon