Mommy Pooch Recovery & Pelvic Floor Power

Mommy Pooch Recovery & Pelvic Floor Power

Years after childbirth (yes, even if your kids are 10 years or older), your inner core and pelvic floor may not be rehabilitated properly from the stretch and strain of growing your babies. Your body will do as much self-healing as is possible in the first 8 weeks postpartum, after that you have to do specific exercises to re-strengthen your stretched out core to improve that lower ab pooch (and pant peeing) many of us moms still have.

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How to Lose Fat & Keep if Off

Layne Norton, PhD Nutritional Sciences,

The cool thing about a digital magazine is that we are not tied to one dimensional print pages.  We can come at you in many ways!  Check out this thought provoking - potentially lifestyle changing - vlog by Dr. Layne Norton where he talks about:

  • Why crash diets don't work 

  • Hard work and consistency are the ONLY way to maintain fat loss

  • Why he prefers flexible dieting

Dr. Layne Norton holds a PhD in Nutritional Sciences and a BS in Biochemistry in addition to being an accomplished pro natural bodybuilder and power lifter.  You can learn more about him on his website.

Are you a GORGO Girl? History of Spartan Women

Are you a GORGO Girl?  History of Spartan Women

Named after the infamous Spartan Queen Gorgo, a GORGO Girl epitomizes the strength, athleticism and grace of the women of her age. She is the quintessential definition of what it means to be an everyday warrior – one that is intelligent, confident and determined to make her mark in the world.

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Thank You, Haters

Thank You, Haters

Resistance from family and friends over goals or your desire for personal change is all too common. Often, we’ve spent months, maybe years, thinking to ourselves about something we’d like to make a reality for ourselves only to be criticized when we finally have the strength to share our inner desire with the world.

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